Had a great
reading with Denise all is well and she said I will have a great holiday and
meet lots of people, I need to holidays
as it revitalizes & energizes me and I return the more creative zeal. Health is good, finances are good, and I will
go back to study. She said you have stopped
working but you are still very busy, which is true. She my mother is with a lot and comes to me
in my dreams, except I can’t remember my dreams. Mum told me to get rid of all the stuff in
the unit. She said your mother will manifest
to me just before I die, and you will know that you will be going soon after
that. But that will not be until my late
eighties or early ninety. And I will be
very active right up to that time. All
in all I feel very happy with reading and reassured in a way that it is O.K.
Monday, 28 May 2012
Almost There
The final pack and weight in today and any time left over will be for camera practice. I heard from Barbara, who has an inspiring blog which interested me and started me thinking about blogging:' to come back as soon as you can because the course
is under review and we are all worried it may be wound up. So I will be going back and doing the course next year. It is wonderful course the best of it kind in Sydney and the only art school where you get one on one; even the NAS can not do this. I just realized I wiped all my art work on my camera after I printed them out and put them in my art journal, even the finished works so I have nothing to show on my blog. I will not do that again.. If this is boring: your right, I just have to practice so as not to forget how to blog. I will post a few painting I like
The start of my holiday
Had a great reading with Denise all is well and she said I will have a great holiday and meet lots of people, I need to holidays as it revitalizes & energizes me and I return the more creative zeal. Health is good, finances are good, and I will go back to study. She said you have stopped working but you are still very busy, which is true. She my mother is with a lot and comes to me in my dreams, except I can’t remember my dreams. Mum told me to get rid of all the stuff in the unit. She said your mother will manifest to me just before I die, and you will know that you will be going soon after that. But that will not be until my late eighties or early ninety. And I will be very active right up to that time. All in all I feel very happy with reading and reassured in a way that it is O.K.
Saturday, 26 May 2012
Lunch at Bar Reggio's
Judi, Angie & Kristen at Bar Reggio's
Birthday Girl Kerri
26th May '12
Lunch at Bar Reggio's with the Clinic girls to celebrate Kerri’s birthday...
Roie and Kerri started their celebration early as they meet up before the lunch. I am doing a recky to find where Napoleon
Kent Apartments are at 219 Kent Street as I am seeing Denise there
tomorrow. I will collect Angie as her
knee is still not up for walking as yet.
I hope some of these photos capture the enthusiasm and eagerness shown
for Kerri’s celebration: No apathy with this lot, just good food and
great company.
Thursday, 24 May 2012
Life in India
Mother and child
Worker takes a rest in Mumbai
I have just seen
the movie Trishna it is a re-telling of Thomas Hardy's novel Tess of the
d’Ubervilles a story
of love and
tragedy set across modern day rural Rajasthan and Mumbai. After the movie we had an Italian lunch in the
sun. It was wonderful I did want to go
home. I’ve put a few Indian photos up to
Chapter 1
This is the first day and my first entry of my blogg. It all started at Mosmen Evening Collage which is good as any place to start. After all the time I have wonder about this, and now it is happening I am not sure what I want to say. This is 10 days before I depart for the Kimberley's. I just wante to see if photos were easy to put onto my blogg and it is just copy and paste

This is where I would like to have coffee in Paris.
This is where I would like to have coffee in Paris.
Tuesday, 22 May 2012
Computers & cameras
Computer & cameras plagued me today and I felt defeated but tomorrow is another day and the computer is working again. So much technology to learn, all the gadgets I want require me to do numerous courses and workshops to enable me to use them. Ahead of me are ipad courses, smart phone course, Facebook workshops, more camera workshops just so I can stay current and functioning. It feel as if I am on a technological treadmill that is going faster than I can run.
Monday, 21 May 2012
Saturday, 19 May 2012
Packing for holiday
I am very pleased with myself today as I worked solidly preparing and organizing for my holiday to the Kimberleys and so I will remember how to do things I will blog again today.
Friday, 18 May 2012
Wallis Simpson & Prince of Wales
I just watched Edward & George - Two Brothers, One Throne, it focused on the fraugh relationship between brothers Edward & George. Edward the elder was handsome and charismatic but abdicated in 1936 to marry Wallice Simpson, after less than one year on the throne, thursting his shy stammering brother into a role he never wanted at a time of national crises.
Thursday, 17 May 2012
Wednesday, 16 May 2012
Homework: Elephants
Orphaned elephants and their keepers from The David Sheldrick Wildlife Trust's where they rescue baby orphanes.
A very clever elephant called Peter playing on the Samsung Gallaxy Note Smart phone
I love the way Peter is so interested in the phone. I hope I am as profcient as Peter is when I get my phone.
Because I love elephants I will show you a couple more photos
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